The Journey Part 2 The Name

Perfect Praise, Inc. is Launching a New Center

Michael and Denie Riggs and their Perfect Praise Team invite you to join them as they continue sharing The Journey as they prepare to launch a New Center.

Note: This is Part 2 of a Blog Series called The Journey. If you missed Part 1 of The Journey, click here!

The event described below took place after the Music and Autism Case Study of 2013.

The Journey Continues…

The Name

A Blog by Denie Riggs

Because the results of the Music and Autism Case Study were so phenomenal, I felt that I needed to provide a “Center” to coordinate off-the-beaten-path remedies to Autism and to give hope to families who were struggling for answers.

One night, a few months later, my husband, Michael, and I were brainstorming the name of this “Center” while dining at our favorite restaurant. I shared how I thought, Music and the Brain, was the way to go. Michael just listened, not too sold.

We left the restaurant and drove home in separate cars. I prayed aloud asking the Father what He would call this Center.

Immediately “Zoe Life” came to my mind. Now that phrase was so far removed from my thinking that I knew I had heard from Him. I knew that “Zoe” was in the Bible somewhere but was unaware of where and what it meant. So, upon arriving home, I immediately grabbed my Bible concordance and looked it up.

Here is what I found:

Zoe is the Greek word for God’s kind of life. In the New Testament, it is used 133 times. It’s abundant life. The Blue Letter Bible concordance defines it as animated life.

In the Strong’s concordance, “Zoe” is the Greek transliteration number 2222.

It is used in this verse that fit our work with autism so profoundly…

“The thief comes only to steal, kill, and destroy. I have come that they may have life (ZOE) and have it in abundance.” John 10:10

The thief that we are dealing with is Autism. Everyone who has family members with Autism knows that it steals from us.

Jesus comes to redeem what the thief is stealing.

That is what we are witnessing in our Music and Autism work, redeeming life for these precious individuals. Zoe Life was the perfect name for our Center.


That evening’s miracle, when God gave us HIS name,  would encourage me and propel me forward in days ahead. Days, when waiting seemed to drag on without end.  

Watch for Part 3, the next segment of The Journey to be delivered into your inbox in the next few days …

Comments 2

  1. Post

    Thank you for commenting Marsha! The Zoe Life carries God’s anointing. We are so blessed to be a part of it!

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