piano basics piano course

Copy of KNK Piano Course Level 1 Student (Piano Basics)

Ethan Collier Kids N Keys, On Line Learning, Private Piano

You Will Love Our Online Piano Lessons

with Online HomePlay Activities!

Piano Basics

Online Piano Lessons for Kids

Why an Online Learning Piano Course? Because the power of the piano for enrichment is amazing; and everybody needs it.

This Basic Piano Course is for beginners of all ages. Our non-traditional approach to the piano may be perfect for children, individuals of all ages who may desire a more visual approach to learning to play the piano.

We have developed step-by-step videos that make learning easy. Everything is laid out for every Learner, no matter your age.

When a person plays the piano, every part of their brain and body are engaged. That engagement actually wires your brain differently during the formative years. But piano is the best instrument for brain function engagement, no matter your age.

This Piano Course is non-traditional approach to learning the piano. Because of that, it’s features enables students who may need a different approach to the piano.

The benefits of piano are strong and is documented researchLearn more about the benefits of piano.

And now with our Online Learning Piano Lessons, music’s benefits can pour into every student’s life, no matter your age or where you live.

The curriculum is downloadable and included so you can start today!